Episode 344 – Dick on Mr. Ice Princess

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A Job Lynch Mob takes Justin Roiland down, Sean name drops, an ice man princess falls on television, Nick Rekieta calls in to talk about an insane person who is suing him and Kyle Rittenhouse, the impending tech wars, my solution for the cope of agorism, more Jesus stuff, OxMad retires, and the WATP/TDS live show tickets are on sale; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

A new bonus episode of The Dick Show is out! Join Sean and I and others as we discuss erection time-outs, I miss the delivery of my watch, Sean works with Justin Roiland and I have a Rick and Morthy meltdown, Alcohol Roulette Packs, Pre-Hangover Email, Fat Floors, the Debt Toilet, Hangover Whores, and Bananadox retires.


Nick Rekieta
Lawyer and Dickhead Nick Rekieta breaks down Maddox's lolsuit, Patreon.
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
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Author: Dick Masterson

Host of The Dick Show.