Episode 47 – Dick on Road Rage: Philly

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Road Rage: Philly and the people who got kicked out, Asterios’ Dustin smack-down, an army of Seans, The Leviathan, your brain the drug dealer, how to buy beer, Ken M and civil discourse on the Internet, dress codes, Sean reacts to the live show, a mod from The_Donald teases us with his Trump sci-fi novel, chicks who love Disneyland, The Matrix reboot, ATM fees, rock climbers and other people I want to punch in the mouth, Ken M gets banned from The_Donald live, someone borrows a lighter from Asterios, the Science Friction podcast, Digibro and his robe and his associates, The Dick Show jazz remix, and Juan the Road Rage Champion; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

Asterios Kokkinos
Author of Toys "4" Cheap, Billboard charting artist. Host of the Science Friction podcast.
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
Ken M
The greatest troll who never lived.
A can on the subway that keeps rolling at him.
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
The Golden Witch (formerly Digi-née)
Otaku Gonzo Journalist, Light Novelist.
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
Juan, Road Rage: Philly Champ
Bartender, Champion.
People who like Disneyland, Aches and pains
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
Former mod of /r/The_Donald, author of New Possibilities, the post-Trump Sci-Fi
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
See All Co-Hosts

This just in, according to BeeTee Beats, The Dick Show Presents Road Rage: Philly broke several Trocadero records!

1. Road Rage was the ONLY live podcast where people had to be kicked out during the show.
2. 10 people had to be kicked out for ALLEGEDLY being too drunk.
3. Road Rage set the highest bar tab for a live podcast, and I quote, “BY FAR”.

Good job, guys. We did it. If you’re one of the liquor-heads who got kicked out, send me your version of events. Sean and I are like the Ghostbusters of liquor-heads, “We’re ready to believe you.” What’s more to say about this event? Other than the nuclear goss bomb I dropped at the end of the show, Pistol Peach’s Fatal Fury smack down in the lobby, 80s girl’s telling of mendacious lies about me after the show that could harm my personal and professional reputation. I guess we’ll get to those, but first…

I took all the “What makes you a rage?” cards from Philly and turned them into a digital quilt. I regret not pulling more of these out during the show. They’re all the funniest thing I’ve ever read. I’ll do this bit more better at the next event, and I’ll definitely be bringing these into the podcast because it’s pretty much like you guys did a year’s worth of work for me. Suckers!

Outro jazz tune by Alex Walker Smith

And this unbelievable work of art by Chris Griffith, and more Dick pics.

Chris Griffith

For anyone who missed out on the limited edition Road Rage: Philly shirt, you can pick it up at the Dick Store.

Wild DickHeads appear!

Dystopian thumbnail by Brandon of Maximum! Panic.

I forgot to thank many people in this episode, so I will do it next week! See you next Tuesday.

