Episode 250 – Dick on Being Super Straight

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The progressive military, my dog gets canceled, my interview with Russia Today, how woke mobs killed comedy, “Coming 2 America” is ruined by Leslie Jones, Pokimane is a midwest 6, the dog bloodbath, Derek Chauvin predictions, being #SuperStraight, a curfew for men, #StopAsianHate, an erotic story from a real they, and milestone overload; all that and more on this week’s episode of The Dick Show!

The Golden Witch (formerly Digi-née)
Otaku Gonzo Journalist, Light Novelist.
Is a Rage!

Not a Rage.
See All Co-Hosts

New Project Brew is out! The coffee that doesn’t hate you. The biggest beans on the planet. Created by Dickheads for Dickheads, Cruelty infused, and guaranteed to be coffee or your money back! The first shipments have shipped, they have arrived, they are probably being drunk as we speak. I know I’m about to have my fourth cup today and it’s not even 9AM because my dog shit all over her crate last night even though I let her out about 60 seconds before.


If you subscribe for a year (pick the yearly renewal option), it’s $22/bag even though you pay all at once. Try it and fuck Black Rifle Coffee! But first…

The US military is one of the most savage and fearsome fighting forces on the planet. Because America itself is a savage and fearsome country.

For example, the menfolk in America, half of them anyway, fantasize constantly about their loved ones being assaulted–mostly sexually–so that they can perpetrate acts of extreme brutality and cruelty upon the perpetrators. Their wives, their girlfriends, their children, real or imaginary. The imagined harm done by the imagined parties on their imagined loved ones exceeded in its grotesquery only by the savagery of their retribution. They discuss this in great detail amongst one another to overwhelming support. They are addicted to the rage.

The other half of the men in America, the “pussies” who are completely unlike the other group, similarly fantasize about women being at all times accosted and harmed, especially by the men whom they have chosen to put their trust in, imaginary though they may be. But they also extend this violation to all parties. They fantasize about wholesale oppression and murder in the zeroth degree. The threat of violence to control all behavior, speech, and thought is their only imagined relief. They salivate at a terror they define as being so great and profound, they could never understand it, and they discuss this exactly in great detail amongst one another to overwhelming support. They are addicted to the rage.

But these men are inconsequential to the US Military. The US Military is powered by women. And they will tell on you, even if it’s something you didn’t do. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

r/cringepics “Um…wtf is this?”

Fugitive thumbnail by protski.





Author: Dick Masterson

Host of The Dick Show.